" The Kingdom tower will measure 3,280 feet when completed, which stretches 568 feet taller than the current Guinness World Record holder for tallest man-made construction, the Burj Khalifa building in Dubai."The building will dominate the skyline of the coastal town of Jeddah on the Red Sea. If you're afraid of heights, you'll definitely want to know the 200-story building will feature a massive 98-foot terrace jutting from the side of the 157th floor.
Saudi Arabia Skyscrapers: The Kingdom tower |
The Kingdom Tower won't come cheap. The cost is expected to be $1.23 billion. It will require 80,000 tons of steel and 5.7 million square feet of concrete. Here's a glimpse of how it stacks up.
Kingdom Tower is now set to be built in Saudi Arabia. It'll be the tallest building in the world by quite a bit. pic.twitter.com/Bnx4Et97Pm
— Ryan Reynolds (@R__Squarred) April 19, 2014
Saudi Arabia Skyscrapers |
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